Your Worldview Matters

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Your​​ Worldview​​ Matters

Rick Moffett​​ 


Have you ever wondered why two people can have the same experience or the same information and come to very different conclusions about it?​​ 


As an example, let’s consider the issue of​​ the​​ abortion of an unborn child. Some people are passionately for it, holding to the view that it’s a woman’s right to choose. Others are passionately against it, embracing the view that abortion is the taking of a human life. Why these​​ radically different​​ ideas about abortion? ​​ Likely, it is because​​ there are two​​ different foundational belief​​ systems represented by these positions, i.e.,​​ two​​ different worldviews.


A worldview is something that everyone has​​ and few people​​ ever consider.​​ Simply put, our worldview is how we see the world; not physically, but philosophically.​​ It consists of all our beliefs and reflects our most cherished values.


Through​​ many​​ different influences, we develop beliefs that help us​​ make sense​​ of​​ and survive in​​ the world around us.​​ These beliefs​​ become a fundamental​​ guide​​ for​​ how we think and ultimately, how we live our lives. Often we may not even be​​ consciously​​ aware of​​ our​​ beliefs, but be assured, they determine the choices we make​​ daily. ​​ 


Competing​​ Worldviews


I’m sure it would not surprise you​​ to learn​​ that there are many different ways in which a person views the world.​​ But ultimately,​​ there are​​ only two​​ foundations for all​​ worldviews. One is​​ based on​​ God’s word and​​ His infinite wisdom and​​ the other​​ is based on​​ man’s​​ word and his limited knowledge.​​ We must​​ understand​​ the fierce battle between these two competing worldviews. In reality,​​ this battle is part of​​ a spiritual war that is being played out on planet​​ Earth.​​ Moreover, there are no “neutral” positions in this war. One way or another,​​ you are a participant; however, you do get to choose which side you​​ will be on.​​ ​​ ​​ 


Perhaps​​ this war​​ is best summed up by the words of Jesus -​​ 


“Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is actually working against me.​​ Matthew 12.30 (NLT2)​​ 


Developing a Worldview


What causes a person to believe one thing over another?​​ Does anyone really​​ consciously​​ choose to believe something that’s not true?​​ 


Some​​ people​​ develop their beliefs after extensive research and study. Others may come to a belief as a result of their experiences​​ (especially a​​ traumatic​​ experience*). Still,​​ others embrace a belief simply because of what the majority of their peers believe or what an authority figure has taught them, especially one’s​​ parents,​​ but also grandparents, siblings,​​ school teachers, pastors, doctors, etc.​​ And then, of course, there is the influence of television, radio,​​ the internet,​​ as well as​​ the books we read.​​ 



We are told that a person’s worldview begins to develop as early as 18 months of age, and by the time they are a teenager, it is well developed. Parents​​ take notice; in most instances, you are the single most influential person in developing your child’s worldview!


Unfortunately, our beliefs are not always based on truth.​​ There​​ are​​ occasions​​ when​​ we​​ are​​ misinformed and other times when we are intentionally​​ deceived.​​ Additionally,​​ our interpretation of our experiences​​ can​​ sometimes​​ override​​ the truth and eventually become​​ a​​ stronghold (entrenched lies we believe).​​ We all have presuppositions (things we believe to be true without having any proof) that affect our worldview.​​ 


Once established, a person’s​​ worldview can be difficult to change, even in the face of​​ undeniable evidence​​ that would contradict that view.​​ 


See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.​​ Colossians 2:8 (NASB)


*Traumatic experiences can cause us to rethink our view of life. Often these events serve as motivation to change our perspective, or at least, seek out answers to questions we didn’t realize we had.​​ 


Our Worldview Should Answer Some Basic Questions


Even though most people have never thought about their “worldview”, it is likely that they have at least considered some of the following questions​​ -


  • How did this world come into existence?​​ 

  • Who am I and do I have a purpose for being here?​​ 

  • Is there a God? Can I know him? Does he really care about me and how I live my life?

  • How did this world get so messed up?​​ Can it be fixed?​​ 

  • What happens​​ to me​​ after I die?​​ 

  • Does absolute truth exist?


And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.​​ Romans 12:2 (NASB)​​ 


Knowing and Defending Your​​ Worldview


Could you give reasonable answers to the questions above? Could you defend your answers? Possibly you have never considered your own worldview. Regardless, you can be confident that your behavior is a direct result of your foundational beliefs​​ and​​ your worldview. ​​ 


Knowing what you believe and why​​ you believe it​​ can help you stand strong when your beliefs are challenged. I’ve heard many Christians tell me they don’t believe in evolution, but can’t really defend that position when they are told that “science has proven it to be a fact”.​​ Can you?​​ 



Did you know that the Bible tells​​ us to​​ always be​​ prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Pet.​​ 3:15)?​​ 


Ultimately, the reason for the hope we have is in the redemptive work of Jesus (His death, burial, and resurrection). This message is repeated throughout the Bible. The message of creation (as opposed to evolution) is also​​ repeated​​ throughout the Bible. But if creation can be disproven by evolution, then what else​​ might​​ not​​ be​​ true in the Bible? What confidence can we have that Jesus really died on the cross and was resurrected on the third day? Can you see how doubt might arise? Can you see why an unbeliever might think the Bible is just a collection of outdated myths and stories? Creation is the foundational message of God’s word. As you likely know, the first verse in the Bible is “In the beginning, God created the heavens​​ and the earth”. (Genesis 1:1) That is why our enemy attacks this truth so vigorously. Destroy the foundation and all else will eventually crumble!


If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?"​​ Psalm 11:3 (NASB)​​ 


Worldviews​​ in America


The world has changed drastically in the last 50 years and it continues to change​​ at a rapid pace.​​ The Christian influence in America has significantly decreased. The authority of God’s written word is no longer recognized​​ by the majority. The Christian worldview, once the predominant​​ view​​ in America, has become increasingly a minority view.​​ According to the​​ Pew Research Center,​​ 70% of Americans claim to be Christians. However, only 46% of US adults say they have a biblical worldview. But, do nearly half of Americans actually view the world through the context of the Bible?


According to research performed by the​​ Barna Group*​​ in 2015, only 17% of​​ Christians who consider their faith important and attend church regularly​​ truly​​ have a biblical worldview.


*Barna​​ has tracked beliefs that make up a “biblical worldview” since 1995, with the data included in this article (17% of practicing Christians have a biblical worldview) coming from an OmniPoll conducted in an online study of 1,066 U.S. adults in July of 2015. Barna defines “biblical worldview” as believing that absolute moral truth exists; the Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches; Satan is considered to be a real being or force, not merely symbolic; a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by trying to be good or do good works; Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth; and God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today.​​


As bad as that sounds, it’s getting worse;​​ New 2018 Barna and Impact 360 Institute Research​​ shows​​ that only​​ 6% of​​ Millennials​​ (born 1981-1999)​​ have a biblical worldview, and just​​ 4% of Gen Z​​ (born 2000-2015 -​​ these dates vary according to who you ask) have a biblical worldview.​​ 


Gen Z​​ is set to soon become the largest segment of​​ the​​ population in the world. ​​ 


“Today’s teens are less Christian and more confused about moral and spiritual truth than ever.”​​ Impact 360 Institute​​ 


Based on the research mentioned above, the biblical worldview is no​​ longer​​ the guiding force in America. So what is the “measuring stick” which Americans use to base their decisions? If not the word of God, then​​ what’s left? Answer -​​ the word of man. How​​ do you think that’s​​ been working? Does history repeat itself?​​ 


Recall a time when God’s chosen people, the Israelites, rejected God’s authority and lived in disobedience. This time is described in the Old Testament book of Judges. The last verse (21:25)​​ in the book of Judges sums up​​ that time in the history of Israel​​ very well -​​ 

“In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”​​ 


​​ Interestingly, the word “eyes” in this verse is used figuratively to mean their “attitude, inclination, opinion,” etc. You could say that it represented their “worldview”. God’s ways​​ were​​ no longer their ways. Read the book of Judges to see the sad downward​​ spiritual​​ spiral of Israel!​​ See what happens when man’s word is elevated above God’s word.


Application for This Time in History


Let’s consider some of the reasons why our young people are leaving the faith or refuse to believe in the first place. Studies suggest that “intellectual skepticism” causes them to doubt the Bible and the Christian faith. Here are some of the reasons for​​ that​​ doubt revealed in a recent study as reported in​​ “So the Next Generation​​ Will Know”​​ by Sean McDowell and J. Warner Wallace; 2019​​ -


  • What scientific proof do you have that God exists?

  • Why should I believe in miracles?

  • If evolution is true, why should I believe in God?

  • Why should I trust something on “faith” when I could use “reason”?

  • Why should I trust what you or my pastor has to say about Christianity?

  • How is believing in God any different from believing in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny?

  • Why does science seem to contradict the claims of Christianity?

  • Why would an all-powerful, all-loving God allow so much evil in the world?

  • How can I be sure Jesus really rose from the grave?


It is the collective opinion that we must provide answers to the cultural questions of our time as they relate to Christianity, not only for our youth but for the entire body of Christ. (1 Pet. 3:15) In addition, we must provide a firm foundation for the Christian faith as found in​​ Genesis chapters 1 - 11​​ where it has been rightly declared that all major biblical doctrines have their roots. In doing so, I believe it will begin to restore the authority of God’s word once again.​​ 


In future articles, I plan to provide answers to many of the questions that promote doubt in God’s word and Christianity in general. I would ask for your prayers as I begin this mission. If you know others who are searching for these kinds of answers,​​ you might​​ suggest that they subscribe to this website so they will be notified when a new article is posted.​​ 


Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.​​ Jude 1:3 (ESV)​​