“I Can’t, but Jesus Can!”
Last week we introduced the idea of “brokenness”. Brokenness refers to the process of breaking a person from putting confidence in anything other than God. This process is orchestrated by God so that we learn to walk in complete dependence on him. Brokenness brings you to the point where you say, “Lord, I can’t, but you can”. (2 Cor.1:8-9)
The truth is, we cannot live the Christian life in our own strength, and the sooner we realize that, the sooner Christ will be free to live his life and demonstrate his power through us. (2 Cor. 12:9-10; Gal. 2:20)
Although it can be much shorter, for most of us the breaking process usually takes many years and is very painful. We often fail to see God’s hand in the process and fight it as long and as hard as we can. The more determined, resourceful and strong-willed a person is, the longer the process takes. And remember, brokenness is a process, not a one-time event.
God is Looking for a Few Weak Men (and Women)
From the world’s standpoint, strength is an admirable quality. But from God’s standpoint, our strength is a hindrance to the breaking process and therefore, to our experiencing and expressing the life of Christ. (1 Cor. 1:26-27)
“Brokenness” is a common theme in the Bible. If you examine all the people in the Bible that God chose to work through, you will find that for most, their path to surrender was preceded by times of brokenness.
Consider the highlights lowlights of these people –
Abraham – grew tired of waiting on God for the son he promised; took matters into his own hands and had a child with Hagar, his wife’s maid; out of fear, lied to King Abimelech (said his wife Sarah was his sister). (Gen. 16; 20) Later surrendered – offered his beloved son, Isaac, to God.
Jacob – guilty of deceiving his father Isaac, his brother Esau, and his father-in-law Laban. Surrendered after “wrestling all night with God” – God changed his name from Jacob (meaning “deceiver”) to Israel (meaning “one who prevails with God”). (Gen. 32:28) Significance – Jacob would no longer be known as a “deceiver”, but a man empowered by God.
Moses – from prince to fugitive; killed an Egyptian, then wandered 40 years in dessert. Went from being a man of “power in words and deeds” (Acts 7:22) to a self-proclaimed man “slow of speech and slow of tongue” (Exodus 4:10). Ultimately Moses surrendered to God’s calling to lead Israel out of Egypt.
King David – As a powerful king, he committed adultery with Bathsheba, then tried to cover it up, first by lying, and then by murder. When confronted with his sin, his response – “I have sinned against the Lord”. (2 Sam. 12:13) Then in his brokenness, David wrote these words in Psalm 51 – “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart ...”.
Peter - A hard working fisherman. He eventually left the fishing business to follow Jesus, and later became one of the twelve apostles. Peter was impulsive, prideful, and self-confident.
For example, Peter frequently issued orders to Jesus –
“Depart from me, ...” (Luke 5:8);
“... command me to come to You on the water.” (Mat. 14:28);
“Never shall you wash my feet!”; “Lord, then wash not only my feet, but also my hands and my head.” (John 13:8-9)
Painful moments in Peter’s life -
Peter sank when walking on water – Jesus replied, “You of little faith...” (Mat. 14:30-31)
God revealed to Peter that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God. (Mat. 16:16) Shortly afterwards, Jesus reveals his plan to go to the cross and then be resurrected, but Peter declares “... this shall never happen to you.” (Mat. 16:22). Jesus said to Peter – “Get behind me Satan! You are a stumbling block!
At the transfiguration – Peter was speaking (as usual) when he should have been listening. (Mat. 17:5)
Pridefully declaring his allegiance to Jesus –
“Though they all fall away because of you, I will never fall away.” (Mat. 26:33)
"Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You." (Mat. 26:35)
Rebuked by Jesus –
when he fell asleep after Jesus asked him and the other disciples to pray. (Mat. 26:36-40)
when he impulsively cut off the ear of a slave of the high priest. (Mat. 26:51; John 18:10)
Shortly thereafter we see Peter at his lowest – Denying Jesus three times. (Mat. 26:69-75) Broken of his pride and self-confidence.
God finally had him right where he wanted him.
Fast forward to one of the most important events in history -
Filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter preached a powerful message at Pentecost resulting in the salvation of 3000 souls. (Acts 2:42).
It was later in Peter’s life that he was able to write these words, “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time,” (1 Peter 5:6)
Note – While I discuss brokenness as a process and not a one-time event, there is often a single incident in a person’s life that serves as the “final straw”, i.e., a time when they suddenly realize their own weakness and God’s infinite power. This often comes as the culmination of prior painful experiences. Peter’s life demonstrates the perfect example of this. We see a lifetime of pride and self-confidence that culminate with Peter denying Christ.
And while maybe not as intense, the process of brokenness will likely continue throughout a person’s life. In other words, as long as you are living on planet earth, God will continue to “perfect” you. (Phil. 1:6)
“I Would Never Do ”
In these men we see murder, adultery, lies, deception, a fugitive in the desert, and even the denying of Christ. Hear a list like that and you might think, “I would never do something like that!” But beware, under the right circumstance, it could be you. (1 Cor. 10:12) People who have done these things and experienced brokenness are the very ones in whom the life of Christ can be manifest.
A dear friend once remarked to me, “If you plan to go into ministry, be warned, the breaking process will surely come”.
God uses broken people, i.e., those who realize just how weak they are and how strong HE is!
Ask yourself (and God) – Again, ask God to reveal areas of your life where you need to surrender.
My Struggle – I recall the culmination of a long painful period of brokenness. I remarked, “I glad that’s over”. But it was only a few weeks before I was back in the brokenness process again. The Lord reminded me that he was nowhere near finished with me yet!
Scripture References – Referenced throughout the narrative above.