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Book Recommendations​​ (favorites in bold)


The Hope of Israel – Philip Mauro

Sidetracked in the Wilderness​​ – Michael Wells (this was the first book I read on this list. I was in the wilderness and it was like God wrote the book to and for me)

Grace Walk​​ – Steve McVey

Grace Rules – Steve McVey

Grace Walk – video series

Classic Christianity​​ – Bob George

Victory Over Depression – Bob George

Jesus Changes Everything​​ – Bob George​​ (explains difference between Old and New Covenants. Well written and documented.)​​ 

Faith That Pleases God – Bob George

Christ Our Life​​ – Larry Smith

Man as God Intended – Dr. James Fowler

Victory Over the Darkness – Neil Anderson

Handbook To Happiness – Charles Solomon

Lifetime Guarantee – Bill Gillham

What God Wishes Christians Knew About Christianity – Bill Gillham​​ 

Absolute Surrender – Andrew Murray

Authentic Christianity​​ – Ray Stedman

The Calvary Road – Roy Hession

The Rest of the Gospel – Dan Stone

The Naked Gospel​​ – Andrew Farley​​ 

God Without Religion​​ – Andrew Farley​​ 

The Saving Life of Christ – Major Ian Thomas

To Live is Christ – Ray Alton​​ (encourages us to live in complete dependence on Christ)

The Marvelous Exchange – Dick Flaten​​ (good commentary on Romans 6:1-14)

He Loves Me​​ ​​ Wayne Jacobsen​​ (learning to live in the Father’s affection.)​​ 

The Power of the Blood Covenant – Malcolm Smith​​ (helps​​ you​​ to understand covenants of the bible. Formerly titled – Lost Secret of the Blood Covenant)

Why?​​ – Anne Graham Lotz

Divine Nobodies – Jim Palmer

You Are Special​​ – Max Lucado

Promises Fulfilled – Jim Fowler (has God fulfilled all His promises to Israel?)

The Ultimate Proof of Creation –​​ Dr. Jason Lisle

Introduction to Logic- Dr. Jason Lisle

The Genesis Account – Dr. Jonathan Sarfati (in depth commentary of Genesis Ch 1-11)

Understanding Genesis​​ - Dr. Jason Lisle (how to analyze, interpret, and defend Scripture)

Already Compromised – Ken Ham and Greg Hall (you won’t believe what is being taught in conservative churches and colleges)


Website Recommendations








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