Is the Bible the Word of God?

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Is the Bible the Word of God?​​ 

Rick Moffett​​ 

In my last article,​​ Your Worldview Matters, I said there are only two foundations for all​​ worldviews. One is​​ based on the Word of God​​ (the Bible)​​ and the other​​ on​​ the word of man.​​ Those who have a biblical worldview trust the Bible​​ as God’s revelation to mankind.​​ Those who deny the truth of the Bible​​ are left to​​ trust in​​ their own arbitrary opinions.​​ 


As a reminder, we all have presuppositions (things we believe to be true without necessarily having any proof).​​ Our collective presuppositions are what​​ shape​​ our worldview.​​ 


So,​​ if we base our worldview and more importantly our lives on the​​ truths contained in the​​ Bible,​​ perhaps it would be wise to​​ know​​ the answer​​ to​​ some​​ important questions​​ ​​ 


  • “What​​ does it​​ mean​​ that the​​ Bible is the​​ Word of God?”

  • “How do I know​​ the Bible is truly the Word of God?”​​ 


1.​​ What Does it Mean that the​​ Bible is the Word of God?


The Bible is a book of history that gives us an understanding of the past from the beginning of time when God created the heavens and the earth​​ (Genesis 1:1),​​ as well as​​ a peek at the future​​ through the many prophecies​​ and promises​​ it contains.​​ (2 Tim. 4:8)​​ Thus,​​ like all historical literature, it should be interpreted literally.​​ The Bible also contains​​ other literary forms including​​ poetry, prophecy,​​ letters, songs, etc.​​ which​​ should​​ likewise,​​ be interpreted according to their particular​​ genre.​​ 

The Bible is a compilation of 66 different writings* (often referred to as​​ books)​​ by​​ over​​ 40 different​​ authors​​ with varied backgrounds (e.g.,​​ shepherds, kings, fishermen,​​ and​​ scholars,​​ etc.) written in three languages on three continents over a period of approximately1600 years.​​ In spite of this great diversity, these writings​​ exhibit​​ a consistent​​ unity with no contradictions and no​​ errors​​ as to the truth of its​​ content.​​ (Psalm 119:160; John 17:17)


*These 66 different writings or books that comprise the Bible are referred to as the ‘Canon of Scripture’. The word​​ canon​​ comes from the Greek word meaning​​ rule​​ or​​ measuring stick. ​​​​ 


“The Church does not determine the canon at all.  The Church discovers the canon. The canon is the collection of books that were written by divine inspiration and are therefore part of God’s Word.  We cannot, by voting or any other means, make a book become inspired by God if it isn’t!  Nor can we, through any action of our own, cause a divine book to cease to be inspired by God.”​​ The Canon; 2018; Dr. Jason Lisle​​ 


The Bible is the​​ Self-Proclaimed​​ “Word of God”


Throughout the​​ writings of the Bible, we find that it indeed claims to be the Word of God.​​ The writers surely knew that they were part of something special, although I doubt they knew the significance of what their writings would become. For example, the prophet Jeremiah knew he would be speaking on behalf of the Lord -​​ 

Then the LORD stretched out His hand and touched my mouth, and the LORD said to me, "Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.​​ Jeremiah 1:9​​ 


The phrases,​​ “God said”​​ and​​ “Thus says the Lord”​​ are found hundreds of times​​ within the pages of the Bible, e.g.,​​ Gen. 1:3, 6, 9, 11; Ex. 3:14; 34:10; Mat. 15:4; Luke 12:20; 2 Cor. 6:16.​​ 


Consider the words of Jesus as he prayed to his Heavenly Father -​​ 

6​​  "I have manifested Your name to the men whom You gave Me out of the world; they were Yours and You gave them to Me, and they have kept Your word.​​ 7​​  "Now they have come to know that everything You have given Me is from You;​​ 8​​  for the words which You gave Me I have given to them; and they received them and truly understood that I came forth from You, and they believed that You sent Me.​​ John 17:6-8​​ 


And the words spoken​​ by the Apostle Paul -​​ 

13​​  For this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe.​​ 1 Thessalonians 2:13​​ 


So​​ Did God or Man Write the Bible?


It may sound contradictory to say that the Bible is the Word of God and also say that it was written by 40 different authors. ​​ Divinely chosen men did put the contents of the Bible into written form, but the thoughts originated with God.​​ So technically there were 40 different writers, but only one author.​​ God​​ spoke​​ through various men to put into writing what he wanted​​ to reveal​​ about Himself, about mankind,​​ and about the world​​ all​​ by a process​​ referred to as “inspiration”.​​ 

16 All Scripture is inspired by God​​ and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;​​ 17 so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.​​ 2 Timothy 3:16-17​​ 


Note -​​ The word​​ “Scripture”​​ refers to a sacred or religious writing or book. ​​ It is often used to refer to the entire collection of writing that comprise the Bible. In addition, it is used within the text of the Bible to refer to all or part of the writings that make up the Bible. According to​​ Strong’s Dictionary, this word means - something written, i.e., a writing, record,​​ or book.​​ 


There are many ideas as to what​​ the phrase,​​ All Scripture is inspired by God​​ actually means.​​ The word​​ inspiration​​ has several meanings in the English language. It can mean a process of mental stimulation to perform some creative work, and it can also refer to​​ inhaling a breath of air into the body. These are not what the Apostle Paul means here in his letter to Timothy.​​ First, notice that it is the​​ Scripture​​ that is inspired and not a person. Inspiration here does not mean​​ breathing in, but rather that God​​ breathed out​​ the Scripture. While this is not fully explained in the Bible, we must conclude that it was a supernatural process completely​​ directed​​ by the Holy Spirit. It was neither man’s idea nor his prerogative to determine the content of the Scriptures.​​ 


The Apostle Peter says it this way -​​ 


20​​  But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation,​​ 21​​  for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.​​ 2 Peter 1:20-21​​ 


Author Don Stewart gives an excellent commentary on this verse -​​ 


Peter said the writers were “moved” or “carried along” by the Holy Spirit. The Greek word translated “moved” in​​ 2 Peter 1:21​​ has the idea of “to be carried,” or “to be borne along.” This word was used of a ship being carried along by the wind in its sail. The Book of Acts gives an illustration of the process:

The ship was caught by the storm and could not head into the wind; so we gave way to it and were driven along. (Acts 27:15 TNIV)

The word translated “driven along” is the same one as found in​​ 2 Peter 1:21, where it is translated, “carried along.”

The Holy Spirit was the active agent. The writers were passive in receiving the message, but active in the writing of the message. Ultimately, they were writing what the Holy Spirit prompted them to write. While the process was a mystery, the final result was God’s authoritative Word.


While those who​​ wrote down​​ the words that comprise the Bible were not free to decide its content, it does appear that​​ they​​ had​​ the freedom​​ to express their​​ own personality and writing style, i.e., the Holy Spirit did not cause the writers to fall into a trance and then dictate to them. This should come as no surprise. Even today we see men preach and teach God’s Word under the power of the Holy Spirit without compromising their individual personality.​​ 


Is the Bible Without Error?


Only the original manuscripts of the Bible are considered to be inerrant,​​ unfortunately, no original copies of the biblical manuscripts exist. Textual critics have studied the earliest existing manuscripts and determined their level of accuracy in most places to be 100%, however, copies are not without errors.​​ Most of the existing variations are due to​​ spelling errors or what​​ today​​ would be considered “typos”.​​ Cross-referencing the large number of manuscript copies​​ in existence,​​ along with consulting the context, and comparing scripture with other scriptures in the Bible (the Bible is the best commentary on the Bible), have resolved most of the​​ apparent​​ errors. More importantly, the doctrinal teachings of the Bible remain accurate and without error. A more in-depth look at this subject can be found at​​


Is​​ the Bible​​ Just a Record of​​ the Things​​ God Said?​​ 


Obviously, God is not the only one speaking in the Bible. There are many recorded​​ words​​ spoken​​ by other men and women, e.g., Adam and Eve​​ (Gen. 3);​​ the serpent​​ (Gen. 3);​​ Abram and Sarai​​ (Gen. 16); David and Goliath​​ (1 Sam. 17); the Apostles Peter​​ (1 Pet. 2), Paul​​ (Rom. 1), and​​ John​​ (John 3)​​ as well as most​​ of​​ the Old Testament prophets; etc.​​ While God does not lie​​ (Num. 23:19, Titus 1:2, Heb. 6:18), some​​ of​​ the words spoken by these men and women do​​ contain lies and facts that are not true. However, God has determined that​​ their words​​ be included in His written revelation to us. What is true, is that​​ what these people said is reported accurately on the pages of the​​ Scriptures.​​ 




The​​ Bible is​​ God’s​​ written message to all mankind. It not only​​ reveals the​​ history​​ and future of the world, it ultimately points​​ us​​ to a loving Savior named Jesus.​​ The central message of the Bible is simple -​​ God demonstrated his love for mankind by sending His only begotten Son (Jesus) to pay our sin debt so that He could restore​​ His life​​ to us, His eternal life!​​ (Romans 5:8;​​ 1 John 5:10-12)


2.​​ How do I know the Bible is truly the Word of God?


External Evidence


When​​ I began doing my search to find​​ the ultimate indisputable proof that the Bible​​ was​​ truly the​​ Word of God, I had one primary​​ criterion​​ -​​ I would not use the Bible to prove the Bible, i.e.,​​ I would look outside the Bible to make my case.​​ Hence, I began to consider all​​ the many facts​​ (external evidence)​​ in the fields of science, archaeology, paleontology, astronomy, biology, etc.​​ that​​ would​​ prove​​ the Bible to be the Word of God.​​ 


After months of searching and praying, I became convinced that​​ the​​ ultimate evidence​​ to prove the Bible​​ to be God’s Word​​ did not exist​​ outside the Bible.​​ While​​ there​​ are many compelling​​ facts​​ that can​​ demonstrate​​ the veracity of the Bible, these​​ facts don’t speak for themselves.​​ Facts must be interpreted​​ and therein lies​​ one of​​ the problems​​ with using facts to prove anything.​​ People​​ will always interpret facts in a manner that agrees with​​ their worldview,​​ even if​​ they​​ are not aware of​​ their worldview.​​ Furthermore, a lack of information or facts is not the problem at all​​ for an unbeliever​​ who rejects​​ the Bible as God’s word. Their issue is​​ much deeper, they have a heart problem. They will always suppress the truth to justify their beliefs and actions, even before they consider whether the Bible is true or not, for they are enemies of God. (Romans 1:18-19;​​ Rom. 5:10;​​ Rom. 8:7;​​ ​​ Col. 1:21; Jas. 4:3-4)​​ Thus, a person who doesn’t first presuppose the Bible to be God’s Word will not be persuaded by facts alone.​​ 


Another problem with proving the Bible by using external evidence is that whatever is chosen to justify the Bible becomes more authoritative than the Bible itself,​​ thus​​ using external evidence to prove the Bible denies the very thing we are trying to prove.​​ Think for a moment, if the Bible​​ is​​ truly​​ God’s word, then to what more authoritative standard could​​ we​​ possibly appeal in order to defend it?


Moreover,​​ leaving​​ the Bible​​ out of any discussion​​ to prove the Bible​​ is God’s Word​​ removes​​ the very foundation on which​​ the Christian​​ stands.​​ It allows the unbeliever​​ to set the criteria for truth, which usually comes down to​​ his​​ own​​ autonomous​​ reasoning. Sound familiar? Recall the​​ incident​​ in the Garden of Eden​​ (Gen. 3), where Adam and Eve used their own reasoning and acted independently of God rather than heeding His​​ Word. In essence, they became their own​​ god; and that is ultimately the heart of the issue. Man does not want to be accountable to God or His Word; he wants to be free to do what he wants to do and not feel guilty about it.​​ (John 3:19)


​​ “How can anyone claim the Bible is the​​ ultimate source of authority in the universe, when all the while suggesting that it​​ should only be believed because it conforms to some other “neutral” standard (which​​ itself does not have the Bible as its ultimate source of authority)? If the method of​​ argumentation communicates to the unbeliever that he should believe the Bible only​​ because it has received the stamp of approval from science, archaeology, and​​ historical criticism, those disciplines, not the Bible, will be his ultimate authority.”​​ The Sufficiency of Scripture in Apologetics;​​ 2001;​​ Michael Kruger


In​​ Luke 16:19-31, Jesus tells the story of Lazarus and the rich man.​​ As the story goes, Lazarus dies and goes to be with the Lord, but the rich man dies and​​ finds himself in​​ Hades. Because of the great torment experienced​​ there​​ by the rich man, he begs Father Abraham to send someone to warn his five brothers so they won’t end up in this place of torment. Here is the conclusion to their conversation-​​ 


29​​  "But Abraham *said, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.'​​ 30​​  "But he said, 'No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent!'​​ 31​​  "But he said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.'"


The obvious point​​ of​​ this story​​ -​​ External evidence, even the resurrection of the dead, will not persuade an unbeliever to believe​​ God’s Word. The Bible​​ itself​​ is the most powerful weapon we have. It is the sword of the Holy Spirit. It can pierce the hearts of men and accomplish what God desires.​​ (Eph. 6:17;​​ Heb. 4:12)​​ 


So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding​​ in the matter​​ for which I sent it.​​ Isaiah 55:11​​ 


As previously mentioned, there is much external evidence that confirms the truth of the Bible, and there is a time to use it.​​ For example, it​​ is​​ significant in supporting​​ the historical reliability of biblical documents and​​ demonstrating​​ how science supports the scriptural account of creation.​​ But external evidence does not​​ validate​​ the Bible as the authoritative Word of God and should not be used as an independent standard by which the Bible must measure up.​​ The Bible is not the conclusion to any argument we make; it should be and is the foundation for all truth. Learning to use external evidence correctly is important and requires a skill set that will be discussed in future articles.​​ 


What I Discovered​​ (or maybe just remembered)


The reason​​ I decided​​ to write this article​​ was​​ two-fold. First to demonstrate to Christians that the Bible can be trusted as God’s Word and therefore​​ is​​ the foundation for our belief​​ system. I also wanted​​ to prove to unbelievers (non-Christians) that the Bible​​ is truly​​ God’s Word,​​ with the end goal​​ being​​ their salvation.​​ So​​ I​​ thought back to my own salvation experience and​​ when​​ I came to know the Bible was​​ truly the​​ Word of God. As far back as I could remember I had​​ believed​​ the​​ Bible​​ was true and that it was​​ the Word of​​ God,​​ i.e., I presupposed it to be true without actually proving it.​​ And​​ when​​ I received​​ Christ​​ at​​ eight years old,​​ I’m pretty sure I didn't​​ know​​ that the Bible was​​ truly​​ God’s Word.


Out of curiosity,​​ I​​ decided to​​ conduct​​ an informal survey of people who I​​ believed​​ to be Christians.​​ I​​ asked​​ about 20 people​​ the following​​ two questions​​ -​​ 


1.​​ “Do you know*​​ the Bible is the Word of God?”

2.​​ Did you come to know*​​ this before or after you​​ received​​ Jesus​​ as your savior?​​ 

*It’s important to note that there is a difference between​​ believing​​ and​​ knowing​​ something.


Not surprisingly,​​ all of the participants answered​​ “yes”​​ to the first question; and with only a couple of exceptions, everyone answered the second question with an almost immediate answer of “after I​​ received​​ Jesus”.​​ As mentioned above, it was “after I​​ received​​ Jesus” that I too came to know the Bible was​​ truly​​ God’s Word.​​ 


Now I realize that it would be a fallacy to draw any convincing proof​​ from​​ my​​ survey,​​ but it did​​ remind me of​​ something​​ I had forgotten​​ -​​ A person doesn't need​​ to​​ have​​ convincing proof that​​ the Bible is the Word of God​​ before they​​ receive Christ as their savior.​​ Our salvation is based on our faith (belief)​​ in the​​ gospel message​​ - that​​ Jesus​​ gave his life on the cross​​ to pay man’s sin debt, was buried,​​ and rose again on the third day​​ to give us new life.​​ (1 Cor. 15:1-4;​​ Rom. 10:9)​​ It is the ministry of the Holy Spirit to convict a person of their sinfulness and it is God the Father who​​ first​​ draws a person to Jesus. ​​ (John 16:8, 44)​​ The unregenerate man can't​​ come to Jesus for salvation any other way.​​ (John 6:65)​​ Thus, we presuppose the​​ truth​​ of the Bible​​ before it is proven to us.


So​​ How Do I Know​​ the​​ Bible is​​ Truly​​ the Word of God?


Before I answer that question, ask yourself,​​ “How do I know anything is true?”.​​ To be considered​​ knowledge,​​ any true belief must be founded on a “good reason”. But that “good reason” is only sufficient if it is also based on a “good reason”, which likewise needs to be based on a “good reason”. As you can see, that could go on indefinitely; and if it did, we could never really know anything for sure. ​​ At some point, our chain of reasoning must conclude in an​​ ultimate standard​​ or​​ authority, i.e.,​​ that which we hold to be indisputable and​​ cannot be proven​​ from anything more foundational​​ (otherwise it would not be “ultimate”).​​ To know anything​​ we must have an ultimate standard/authority that serves as the fundamental basis for our beliefs.​​ But how do we​​ justify​​ an ultimate standard/authority if it​​ cannot be proved from anything more foundational?​​ It might appear that we​​ really​​ can’t​​ know anything for sure.​​ 


Many contend today that a person cannot know anything for sure. This idea occurs within the branch of philosophy known as epistemology and is referred to as the Münchhausen trilemma .​​ Many postmodern religions​​ hold to the belief that there are no absolutes and that it is impossible to know anything for sure.​​ This belief is obviously contrary to what the Bible says. Consider, for example,​​ 1 John 5:13, 20.​​ 


​​ The​​ only available​​ answer​​ is​​ that​​ any ultimate standard/authority​​ must justify itself. It must be​​ self-authenticating​​ and​​ therefore​​ does not​​ need to​​ rely upon external sources to​​ validate​​ its​​ authority.​​ Again, any external evidence used to prove an ultimate standard/authority becomes the ultimate standard/authority​​ itself!​​ 


Most of you would recognize this justification to be circular reasoning and thus not​​ be​​ a valid​​ proof. But circular reasoning is unavoidable when arguing for an ultimate standard​​ of truth. To what higher authority could we appeal​​ concerning the Word of God? If not God Himself, we are left with only man’s fallible reasoning.


For when God made the promise to Abraham, since He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself,​​ Hebrews 6:13​​ 

12​​  Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, "I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life."​​ 13​​  So the Pharisees said to Him, "You are testifying about Yourself; Your testimony is not true."​​ 14​​  Jesus answered and said to them, "Even if I testify about Myself, My testimony is true, for I know where I came from and where I am going; but you do not know where I come from or where I am going.​​ John 8:12-14​​ 


So yes, the self-authentication of the Bible as the ultimate standard/authority for the Christian worldview does use circular reasoning, but so does every other​​ worldview!​​ 




It​​ is​​ my conclusion​​ that the only way​​ to​​ know that the Bible is truly God’s Word is by a revelation​​ from​​ the Holy Spirit.​​ The Bible is first and foremost a spiritual book revealing spiritual truth. Without the indwelling Holy Spirit, we cannot know and understand spiritual truths. A person without the Holy Spirit is foolish in his reasoning and unable to see the truth due to the hardness of his heart​​ (Rom. 1:21; Eph. 4:17-18). Facts and logic will never remove the scales from the eyes of a blind man.​​ He is helpless to see unless he is first given new vision. It is the Holy Spirit working through the gospel message that has the power to open the spiritual eyes of man’s heart so that he might see​​ his need for a savior.​​ (Rom. 1:16; Eph. 1:18)


12​​  Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God,​​ 13​​  which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual​​ thoughts​​ with spiritual​​ words.​​ 14​​  But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.​​ 1 Cor. 2:12-14


As men of old were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write​​ down​​ the words contained in the Bible, we are today convinced of its authenticity as God’s word by the witness of the same Holy Spirit. And I would add, for those who profess to be born again, you must read and study these Scriptures​​ to receive this witness of the Holy Spirit​​ as to the Bible’s​​ truth​​ and authenticity. As you do, God’s Word will come alive. The Bible is not a book to be occasionally looked at or displayed as​​ a​​ decoration on a coffee table or carried around for a good-luck charm. The book itself has no magical powers; it is merely words on a piece of paper. It is the truth to which the Bible points us that changes one’s life. That truth is a person. That person is Jesus.​​ (John 5:39-40)


Consider the fact of your own salvation (your spiritual rebirth) - can you prove it by external evidence? No. We know we are truly born into the family of God by the witness of the Holy Spirit.​​ (Rom. 8:16).​​ 


2​​  For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.​​ 3​​  I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling,​​ 4​​  and my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power,​​ 5​​  so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God.​​ 1 Corinthians 2:2-5​​ 


Last Thought


Have you ever wondered why God​​ doesn’t​​ just​​ appear in the sky for the whole world to see so that everyone would​​ immediately realize and​​ accept​​ that​​ He exists​​ and that He has spoken to us through His written​​ Word?​​ 


As an​​ answer​​ to this​​ question, consider this​​ quote from Philip Yancey​​ ​​ 


"The more I get to know Jesus, the more impressed I am by what Ivan Karamazov called “the miracle of restraint.” The miracles Satan suggested, the signs and wonders the Pharisees demanded, the final proofs I yearn for- these would offer no serious obstacle to an omnipotent God.​​ More amazing is his refusal to perform and to overwhelm. God's terrible insistence on human freedom is so absolute that he granted us the power to live as though he did not exist, to spit in his face, to crucify him. I believe God insists on such restraint because no pyrotechnic displays of omnipotence will achieve the response he desires. Although power can force obedience, only love can summon a response of love, which is the one thing God wants from us and the reason he created us."​​ The Jesus I Never Knew; Philip Yancey; 2002


Let us be diligent to destroy all reasoning that exalts

itself against the knowledge of God.


Read the next article I this series –​​ Confirming the Reliability of the Bible

Read the previous article in this series -​​ Your Worldview Matters.



1.​​ Can We Prove the Bible Is True?; Mike Matthews;​​ Answers Magazine;​​ 2011  

2.​​ Vine’s Dictionary

3.​​ The Ultimate Proof of Creation; Dr. Jason Lisle; 2008

4.​​ Introduction to Logic; Dr. Jason Lisle; 2018

5.​​ Presuppositional Apologetics;​​ Dr. Greg Bahnsen; 2008

6.​​ Always Ready;​​ Dr. Greg Bahnsen;​​ 1996

7.​​ Christianity for Skeptics; Dr. Steve Kumar; Dr. Jonathan Sarfati; 2018

8.​​ New American Standard Bible;​​ The Lockman Foundation; 1960

9.​​ The Bible Knowledge Commentary;​​ An Exposition of the Scriptures by Dallas Seminary Faculty

10.​​ Commentary​​ on the book of​​ Romans; R. Moffett; 2018

11.​​ Understanding Genesis;​​ Dr. Jason Lisle; 2015

12.​​ Does the Old Testament Claim to Be the Word of God?; Don Stewart

13.​​ Strong’s Dictionary

14.​​ Homan Bible Dictionary

15.​​ International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

16.​​ How Did the Process of Divine Inspiration Occur?;​​ Don Stewart

17.​​ Is The Bible Inspired?;​​ Biblica, The International Bible Society

18.​​ The Canon;​​ Dr. Jason Lisle; 2018

19.​​ Why Should We Believe in the Inerrancy of Scripture?;​​ Brian H. Edwards; 2011​​ 

20.​​ Practical Word Studies in the New Testament

21.​​ Are only the original manuscripts of the Bible inerrant?;​​

22.​​ Does the Lack of Original Autographs Make Biblical Inerrancy Irrelevant?;​​ Aaron Brake; 2018

23.​​ Is the Bible Authoritative and Inerrant;​​ Tim Chaffey; 2010

24.​​ Greek Word Studies​​ from​​ 

25.​​ The Sufficiency of Scripture in Apologetics;​​ Michael J. Kruger; 2001

26.​​ Are There Any Errors in the Bible?;​​ Norman L. Geisler; 2016

27.​​ The​​ Self-authenticating​​ Power of the Bible;​​ Denny Burk;​​ 2016

28.​​ God’s Self-Authenticating Word;​​ Scott Meadows;​​ 2014