A New Creation in Christ

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1 – Eternal Life

“When a person receives Christ by faith, they are​​ immediately baptized into Christ’s death, burial and resurrection​​ (a spiritual baptism).​​ The bible​​ refers to those folks as being “in Christ”, i.e., in union with Christ.​​ This is a permanent union in which Christ’s spirit is joined with our human spirit and Christ​​ becomes our new life.”
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2 – Forgiveness

“I was taught for​​ much of my Christian life that​​ in order to stay​​ right with God,​​ ​​ I must ask God to forgive me each time I sinned. And so I tried to keep a mental list of all my sins so I could ask God to forgive me​​ for each​​ one. ​​ Do you know how hard it is to remember every sin you commit?”
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3 – Redemption

“We know that sin​​ and death​​ entered the world through Adam and​​ spread to all mankind, thus, all were made sinners.​​ ​​As a​​ result,​​ we are all born in bondage to sin!”
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Featured image for “4 – Reconciliation”

4 – Reconciliation

Did you​​ know that you​​ were​​ born with an enemy?​​ The​​ Bible tells us that we were​​ all​​ enemies​​ with​​ God. And furthermore, we​​ were hostile toward​​ him,​​ and alienated from​​ him​​ because of our sin.​​
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Featured image for “5 – Inheritance in Christ”

5 – Inheritance in Christ

“We will be in the presence of Almighty God forever. We will be​​ united with Jesus forever.”
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Featured image for “6 – Righteousness in Christ”

6 – Righteousness in Christ

“Because​​ Christians​​ have their sin debt paid for​​ by the blood/death of Jesus, they​​ are​​ declared​​ not guilty​​ (justified)​​ and​​ are​​ therefore,​​ made​​ righteous.​​ Our​​ righteousness​​ and justification​​ are​​ not based on​​ anything we do.​​ They are​​ a gift from God.”
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