________ WHY NOT ________

Identity in Christ Part 1
“The need to prove to ourselves and to others that we are valuable is often what drives our behavior…”

Identity in Christ Part 2
Satan tempts us to gain an identity by our ‘doing’.

Identity in Christ Part 3
“Because we all show up on planet earth spiritually dead to God, we struggle with these same issues - shame, fear, condemnation, insecurity, guilt and self-consciousness.”

Identity in Christ Part 4
“A dead person cannot bring himself back to life! Said another way, a spiritually dead person cannot get spiritual life by the works of his flesh!”

Identity in Christ Part 5
“Sadly, my focus was on what I was doing rather than on what Christ had already done. I was believing the lies of the enemy.”

Identity in Christ Part 6
“All flesh is – Controlling, Deceptive, Legalistic, Proud, Addictive, Self-Absorbed (self-centered),Self-Protective, Sin.”

Identity in Christ Part 7
“Walking according to the Spirit is a choice a Christian makes every moment of every day.”

Identity in Christ Part 8
“Walking by the Spirit is living by faith; faith in what Christ has done and what he is doing in us and through us right now.”

Identity in Christ Part 9
“Living a surrendered life begins with a surrendered attitude. It acknowledges that my life is not my own, I have been bought with a price.”