________ WHY NOT ________

Completely Forgiven Once and For All – Part 1
“Your sins are NOT forgiven by your good behavior, asking for forgiveness, or confessing your sin.”

Romans Chapter 6
“You should be well aware that our old man (human spirit) was crucified with Christ so that the power of sin would be made powerless, i.e., would have no more authority over us. We are no longer obliged to live under sin’s reign!”

1 – Eternal Life
“When a person receives Christ by faith, they are immediately baptized into Christ’s death, burial and resurrection (a spiritual baptism). The bible refers to those folks as being “in Christ”, i.e., in union with Christ. This is a permanent union in which Christ’s spirit is joined with our human spirit and Christ becomes our new life.”

Understanding the Flesh
“The new man in Christ has a choice to make every moment of every day – walk according to the Spirit or walk according to the flesh. The flesh produces death, the Spirit produces life. So, WHY NOT CHOOSE LIFE!”

The Controlling Power of Sin
Paul has a life-changing message for us in his letter to the church in Rome. But to comprehend what Paul is trying to say, we must first understand what the word sin means when used as a noun.

1 John Chapter 1 Commentary
“… are we to believe that it is the confession of sin that brings forgiveness of sin and cleansing from all unrighteousness?”

God’s Design for Man
Though philosophers and bible commentators discuss man’s constitution as if we were divided into distinctive parts, it might be more accurate and beneficial to describe these “parts” as diverse levels for which we have the capacity for life. The Bible indicates we function (have life) physically (body), psychologically (soul), and spiritually (spirit).

Good News
“Know this – the free gift of salvation has nothing to do with how good you have been or how bad you have been!”

Identity in Christ Part 1
“The need to prove to ourselves and to others that we are valuable is often what drives our behavior…”