Understanding The Passover

Rick MoffettTopical Index

“A more accurate understanding of v13 is that the Lord didn’t pass over the house, but that he “hopped or skipped over” the threshold of the door that was smeared with blood, thus entering into the house and protecting the occupants, who in faith, had applied the blood to the door posts.

God’s Design for Man

Rick MoffettFront Page, Topical Index

Though philosophers and bible commentators discuss man’s constitution as if we were divided into distinctive parts, it might be more accurate and beneficial to describe these “parts” as diverse levels for which we have the capacity for life. The Bible indicates we function (have life) physically (body), psychologically (soul), and spiritually (spirit).

Good News

Rick MoffettFront Page, Topical Index

“Know this – the free gift of salvation has nothing to do with how good you have been or how bad you have been!”

Study Resources

James BuckmasterBible Study Aids

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)