Thinking About Growing Old

Rick MoffettSearching for Answers

But for me, I’ve been thinking even more about how I should invest the time I have left on planet earth. I would like to make a positive difference in this quickly deteriorating world. I believe that we all have a purpose for being here.

Identity in Christ Part 3

Rick MoffettIdentity in Christ

“Because we​​ all​​ show up on planet earth spiritually dead to God,​​ we struggle with these same issues -​​ shame, fear, condemnation, insecurity, guilt and self-consciousness.”

Understanding Sanctification

Rick MoffettTopical Index

Here’s some good news for you who have received Christ by faith, i.e., you who are Christians. You are a saint! You are holy! You have been sanctified! Here’s some more good news – You didn’t have to work to achieve your “sainthood” or to become holy or sanctified.

Understanding the Flesh

Rick MoffettFront Page, Topical Index

“The new man in Christ has a choice to make every moment of every day – walk according to the Spirit or walk according to the flesh. The flesh produces death, the Spirit produces life. So, WHY NOT CHOOSE LIFE!”

The Controlling Power of Sin

Rick MoffettFront Page, Topical Index

Paul has a life-changing message for us in his letter to the church in Rome. But to comprehend what Paul is trying to say, we must first understand what the word sin means when used as a noun.