Is the Bible the Word of God?

Rick MoffettApologetics

“Another problem with proving the Bible by using external evidence is that whatever is chosen to justify the Bible becomes more authoritative than the Bible itself,​​ thus​​ using external evidence to prove the Bible denies the very thing we are trying to prove.​​ Think for a moment, if the Bible​​ is​​ truly​​ God’s word, then to what more authoritative standard could​​ we​​ possibly appeal in order to defend it?”

Your Worldview Matters

Rick MoffettApologetics

“A worldview is something that everyone has​​ and few people​​ ever consider.​​ Simply put, our worldview is how we see the world; not physically, but philosophically.​​ It consists of all our beliefs and reflects our most cherished values.”

6 – Righteousness in Christ

Rick MoffettA New Creation in Christ

“Because​​ Christians​​ have their sin debt paid for​​ by the blood/death of Jesus, they​​ are​​ declared​​ not guilty​​ (justified)​​ and​​ are​​ therefore,​​ made​​ righteous.​​ Our​​ righteousness​​ and justification​​ are​​ not based on​​ anything we do.​​ They are​​ a gift from God.”

4 – Reconciliation

Rick MoffettA New Creation in Christ

Did you​​ know that you​​ were​​ born with an enemy?​​ The​​ Bible tells us that we were​​ all​​ enemies​​ with​​ God. And furthermore, we​​ were hostile toward​​ him,​​ and alienated from​​ him​​ because of our sin.​​

3 – Redemption

Rick MoffettA New Creation in Christ

“We know that sin​​ and death​​ entered the world through Adam and​​ spread to all mankind, thus, all were made sinners.​​ ​​As a​​ result,​​ we are all born in bondage to sin!”