Creation or Evolution?

Rick MoffettApologetics

Can you defend the position of “God created the heavens and the earth” to someone who insisted that evolution had been scientifically proven?

Understanding Bible Prophecy

Rick MoffettApologetics

“Today (2020) we have the blessing of seeing the fulfillment of most of the Bible prophecies. It is exciting, encouraging, and motivating to live at a time that allows us to watch God’s plan unfold right before our eyes.”

Confirming the Reliability of the Bible

Rick MoffettApologetics

“External evidence doesn’t “speak for itself”, it must be interpreted,​​ and​​ as I said in my last article,​​ our​​ interpretation will always be in line with​​ our​​ presuppositions​​ (things​​ we​​ believe to be true without necessarily having any proof).​​”

Read the Bible – Getting Started

Rick MoffettBible Study Aids

Ask anyone who has read and studied the Bible for very long and they will all have
suggestions on how to best read it. The following recommendations are things I wish someone would have told me 30 years ago when I first decided to get serious about reading God’s Word.”