Romans Chapter 6

Rick MoffettFront Page, Romans Commentary

“You should be well aware that our old man (human spirit) was crucified with Christ so that the power of sin would be made powerless, i.e., would have no more​​ authority over us. We are no longer obliged to live under sin’s reign!”

Romans Chapter 5

Rick MoffettRomans Commentary

“A primary theme in this chapter centers around contrasting all mankind as they​​ once​​ were in Adam with who they can be in Christ. All mankind is born a sinner ‘in Adam’, but by faith, a person can be born again ‘in Christ’.”

Romans Chapter 4

Rick MoffettRomans Commentary

“Paul continues to build his case to silence those Jews who insisted on keeping the Law. Sadly, even today well-meaning Christians hold on to all or parts of the Old Covenant Law; and in so doing, place themselves in bondage.​​”

Romans Chapter 3

Rick MoffettRomans Commentary

“by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified in His sight; for through the Law​​ comes​​ the knowledge of sin.”

Romans Chapter 2

Rick MoffettRomans Commentary

“Have you misunderstood God’s abundant kindness and patience toward your sin? Do you not know that God has withheld his punishment of your sin so that you might change your mind about it?”​​

Romans Chapter 1

Rick MoffettRomans Commentary

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,​​”