Searching for Answers
Who am I? You have likely pondered this question at some point in your life. No surprise, because we all have an innate desire to know who we are and why we are here on planet Earth.
Often these questions are referred to as one’s identity and destiny (purpose). The world’s philosophy would love to answer these questions for you. It says that we are all here by chance, evolved from lifeless matter, have no purpose for being here; and that our identity tends to be based on our performance, or our possessions, or our associations. Of course, this philosophy is a lie from Satan, the father of lies. Even so, the majority of people on Earth have bought into this way of thinking.
Your identity has to do with your BEING – “Am I a person of value?” “What am I worth?” We all want to believe that we are valuable and that our life matters.
Your destiny (purpose) is about your DOING – “Why am I here?” “Do I have something to do and am I adequate to do it?”
Does it Really Matter?
It absolutely does! When you know your true identity and purpose, it can set you free. Most people live on a performance-based value system; thus, they labor and struggle their entire life trying to prove they are valuable. And worse, they don’t even know why. And as you may have discovered, this struggle will eventually wear you out!
GET THIS! - The need to prove to ourselves and to others that we are valuable is often what drives our behavior, and how we measure up to what we believe makes us valuable is usually what we use to determine our identity.
For example – Suppose you believe that you are valuable because of how much money you make/have. If you make/have a lot of money (comparatively speaking) you feel good about yourself, i.e., valuable; and conversely, if you live in poverty and don’t have a steady income, you tend to feel worthless (worth less than those to whom you compare yourself).
Depending on your personality, you may choose one of several paths. For example, you may work hard to make more money (although it will never be enough if your value depends on your wealth). Or, you may choose to just give up and settle to live like a pauper and cover the pain with drugs or alcohol. (Of course, these are not the only paths a person may choose to go down.)
Again, the need to feel valuable is often the driving force behind our behavior.
Ultimately, we feel valuable when our inner needs/desires are met, e.g., the need for love, acceptance, significance, security, and purpose (and adequacy to fulfill it). God has created all people with these same needs/desires within our souls. It is essential for these needs to be met in order for man to function as God intended. Read God’s Design for Man on this website for a better understanding of this.
Consider these questions -
Why do young men join gangs? – to gain acceptance.
Why do women sometimes live a promiscuous lifestyle? – to get love.
Why do people sometimes work hard to attain prestigious titles or positions of power? – to become significant.
There is always a “reasonable alternative” to faith
Guess what? These things do not ultimately meet our God-given inner needs/desires. These needs are only met in the person of Jesus Christ. We are complete in Christ and in him have all we need for life and godliness. Sound too simple? It is! It is the walk of faith; moment by moment believing what God says about you. But beware, there is always a “reasonable alternative” to the faith walk; and our enemy will be quick to suggest one.
Ask yourself (and God) - What am I doing to try to prove I’m valuable?
Remember - Whatever makes you feel valuable will usually control you!
My Struggle – For much of my life I’ve based my value on my appearance. I worked hard to look as good as possible. I became obsessed with exercise, which eventually led me to enter bodybuilding competitions. My exercise routines controlled me because that’s where I got my identity. Then one day I realized I could no longer keep up with the aging process. Fortunately, I also realized my identity was in Christ, not my appearance! Amen.
Scripture References – John 8:44; Colossians 2:10; 2 Peter 1:3.
Next - How Did We Get into This Mess?