________ WHY NOT ________
Noah’s Ark – Was it Really Big Enough?
that most people do not believe all the animals could possibly fit onto Noah’s ark
Word Studies: What is Faith?
Faith – Do you know what it is? Without it you cannot please God!
Word Studies: Forever? What does the Hebrew word “olam” mean?
“forever” in the Old Testament doesn’t always mean “until the end of time”.
Word Studies:Pharisees and Sadducees
“The Pharisees were dedicated, but to the wrong thing. They sacrificed relationships for obedience to their rules.”
Word Studies: Atonement
“… there were numerous requirements for the Israelite priests to offer animal sacrifices for the atonement of sin. But these sacrifices were only a temporary covering for the sins of the Israelites.”
Completely Forgiven Once and For All – Part 2
“Do you know how hard it is to remember every sin you commit? I’ll tell you. It’s impossible!”